Picture frames

Typically people choose a boring picture frame. If your important photos need that special picture frame - here is where you can find it. You can also paint the frame to add a special look to it!

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A cute plywood picture frame for your home. If you would like to have a picture frame with your own design, feel free to contact us via e-mail laser@ehejaehtne.ee. The picture frame fits a photo with the size of 140x90cm.
SKU: 2604 ,   Qty: 10
5,00 €
A cute plywood picture frame for your home. If you would like to have a picture frame with your own design, feel free to contact us via e-mail laser@ehejaehtne.ee. The picture frame fits a photo with the size of 140x90cm.
SKU: 2605 ,   Qty: 5
5,00 €
Rahvuslikus stiilis pildiraam, mida saab paigutada lauale ja riputada seinale.
Siia saab panna oma silmarõõmuks pildi mõõdus 10x15 cm.
SKU: 7525 ,   Qty: 1
5,00 €